Saving Transport Repairs Time and Money



Transport Repairs Ltd




New Zealand



Transport Repairs Ltd needed a new lifting solution to replace their current time-consuming, dangerous, and difficult lifting method. Fortunately, they came across our PORTAGANTRY.

The background

Transport Repairs Ltd provide industry leading parts and service support to the transport industry. They have branches across New Zealand in Christchurch, Dunedin, Blenheim, Invercargill, Cromwell and Gore.

The challenge

The team are constantly on the move offering truck and trailer parts. Their tasks involve moving cradles from logging trucks, changing radiators, lifting decks, and changing tanks.

It would usually take hours for Transport Repairs Ltd to complete these tasks as they were using a forklift with a sling – a time-consuming, dangerous, and difficult lifting method.


Fortunately, HTC Ltd specified Transport Repairs Ltd with a REID Lifting PORTAGANTRY, offering a much faster, safer, and efficient alternative lifting system. The PORTAGANTRY revolutionized their operations, saving them time, energy, and money. Tasks that usually required multiple members of staff now only required one person; for example, the Porta Gantry was able to straddle a truck deck as well as take out a radiator from a flat face truck engine with relative ease.

Transport Repairs were pleased to know that the installation of a fixed overhead gantry was not necessary, saving them an enormous expense. The PORTAGANTRY was perfect for their operational objectives as they needed a transportable gantry for use across the entire workshop, avoiding the need for multiple fixed gantries – again, saving them hundred of thousands of dollars. By using the REID Lifting PORTAGANTRY, Transport Repairs also saved themselves time and money on the extensive maintenance and compliance required with a fixed gantry.

Transport Repairs made the right decision choosing our REID Lifting PORTAGANTRY.

The feedback

“Transport Repairs loved the Gantries so much that they can’t stop talking about them!” - HTC Ltd

Transport Repairs were extremely pleased with the amount of money they were able to save, saving time and reducing labour costs.

They were also impressed with the design and build quality of the product.  


A Scottish Success – REID take to the road for a week of customer visits, exhibitions, and events!

A lightweight solution for clean energy production