A day in the life of our Technical Sales Engineer for the North of the UK


Victoria Badnell, Technical Sales Engineer at REID Lifting

From early morning dog walks to clocking up some serious miles across the Northern regions of the UK, Victoria Badnell, Technical Sales Engineer here at REID lifting shares an insight in to her daily working life.


Working Day

I clock up an awful lot of miles looking after customers across Northern England, Northern Ireland and Scotland. I spend my days visiting our network of re-sellers, supporting them with demonstrations and site visits, and working directly with end users to understand their lifting and lowering requirements and advise them on the right REID product for every application.

If I’m at home, my days starts at 6.30 with dog duty, and then I’m out onto the road heading to my first meeting or site visit. What’s really good about the set up at REID is that I know, while I’m in meetings, I can rely on my internal sales partner Emma to keep track of my emails and respond quickly to any urgent customer enquiries or requests for quotes.

If I have half an hour spare during the day, I’ll do that hunt for free WiFi which is familiar to every sales engineer and sit and catch up with my own emails and calls. Then, it’s back out to customers, and I could find myself doing demos, training or just fact finding about an unusual requirement and working out a solution.

Sometimes, I’m away from home all week, but, on the days when I do go home dog duty will come first again and I’ll use the time I’m out walking with them to call Emma for our daily catch up. If I’m in a hotel, then it will be a run instead of a walk and I have to make do with FaceTiming the dogs (and the husband!)

I try to keep work to a minimum during the evenings, but I’ll always do a final check on emails before bed, and then it all starts all over again the next day.


When did you join REID Lifting?

February 2018

What was your first job?

Lifeguard & Swimming Teacher

What businessperson do you admire/inspires you?

My Dad (Andrew Badnell), he took a risk when he had a family and decided he wanted to work for himself. It was a big gamble but 15 years on he has a successful business.

What is your best business achievement?

Winning a large utility contract

What would you do if you weren’t in the industry?

Dog Trainer/Police Dog Handler

Most useful/favourite gadget?

Phone, working away a lot it is my lifeline to home. Mainly so I can FaceTime my dogs.

Website/App you couldn’t live without?


Favourite destination/place in the world?

South Africa

Favourite hobby/pastime? 

Horse riding & running

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